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Script for planting, harvesting, processing and selling drugs. Easy !

Get it now!


  1. Put the script named sqz_drugs to your resources folder and ensure sqz_drugs to your server.cfg or any other start cfg file
  2. Run the SQL provided file
  3. Oviously configure your config by your likings 😜

Adding plantable drug

  1. Take the part bellow and duplicate it and increase its index (the number in [] )
  2. You need to put the items to the database, items are located in Items table
  3. The 2 props can be changed as the plant grows -> It can change its prop after the process status
  4. RewardItemCount is count of item you will receive if the status and quality are 100%
    [1] = {

PlantLocation = {
Position = vector3(2852.8599,4631.1924,48.9308),
Radius = 150.0,
CanPlantAnyWhereInArea = true, -- If true, player can plant the defined item anyhwere in the area (especially for fields). If false, player can not plant anywhere, he must stay near ant of prop defined in the table bellow (and he will plant into that prop)
AllowedPropsToPlantIn = {
[GetHashKey("prop_table_03b")] = 0.4 -- List of props that you need to stay in front of them to plant in them, the number after "=" is x offset that the entity will be planted with (to prevent bugging in prop)
-- Here you can add other
-- And other
-- And way more others

CopsNumbers = {
Plant = 1,
Harvest = 1

Animations = {
Plant = {
AnimDict = "amb@world_human_gardener_plant@male@base", -- The animation dictionary that is used/shown when planting plant
AnimName = "base", -- The animation name that is used when planting a plant
Duration = 4000, -- Set to 0 to disable animations
blendInSpeed = 8.0,
blendOutSpeed = 8.0,
AnimFlag = 1,
MythicProggbarLabel = "Planting Weed"
Pickup = {
AnimDict = "mini@repair",
AnimName = "fixing_a_ped",
Duration = 4000, -- Set to 0 to disable animations
blendInSpeed = 8.0,
blendOutSpeed = 8.0,
AnimFlag = 1,
MythicProggbarLabel = "PickingUP Weed"

StatusAddNumber = 5, -- A number that is added to the plant Status on every cycle
WaterRemoveOnCycle = 50, -- The number of water is remove on every cycle (if the plant has lower number of WaterStatus, then the value is decreased by IfNotMoreThenWaterRemoveOnCycle)
IfNotMoreThenWaterRemoveOnCycle = 20, -- The number of water is removed when the plant WaterStatus is lower then "WaterRemoveOnCycle" (line above).
-- Also it is a value that the plant must have to pass the loop to fertilizer (if the plantWater is lower then the value above, the plant won't get any quality aldo it has a fertilizer)
Statuses = {
[1] = {
MinimalFertilizerStatus = 90, -- The plant fertilizer value that a plant must have to be affected by this value
SetFertilizerStatusTo = 60, -- The value that the fertilizer status is set to.
QualityPointsAdd = 5, -- The quality points that are added to the Plant Status
[2] = {
MinimalFertilizerStatus = 70, -- The plant fertilizer value that a plant must have to be affected by this value
SetFertilizerStatusTo = 40, -- The value that the fertilizer status is set to.
QualityPointsAdd = 4, -- The quality points that are added to the Plant Status
[3] = {
MinimalFertilizerStatus = 50, -- The plant fertilizer value that a plant must have to be affected by this value
SetFertilizerStatusTo = 10, -- The value that the fertilizer status is set to.
QualityPointsAdd = 3, -- The quality points that are added to the Plant Status
[4] = {
MinimalFertilizerStatus = 30, -- The plant fertilizer value that a plant must have to be affected by this value
SetFertilizerStatusTo = 10, -- The value that the fertilizer status is set to.
QualityPointsAdd = 2, -- The quality points that are added to the Plant Status

Items = {

PlantItemName = "weed_seed", -- Item need to plant a weed in current zone
PlantWaterItem = "water", -- Item need to water a weed in current zone
PlantFertilizeItem = "fertilizer", -- Item needed to fertilize a weed in current zone
RewardItemName = "weed", -- The name of a item you will get after harvesting a weed plant
RewardItemCount = 200, -- The Number of item a player will get after harvesting a plant with 100% status and 100% Quality
--QualityReduce = 1.05, -- *Explained bellow (removed for now, since it is not needed)
-- StatusReduce = 1.05 -- **Explained bellow (removed for now, since it is not needed)


Props = {
SmallProp = "prop_weed_02", -- The obejct name of the plant that will be crated after a plant is planted
BigProp = "prop_weed_01", -- The object name of the plant that the first (SmalProp) will be replaced for after it reaches the ChangePropsAfterStatus
ChangePropsAfterStatus = 50 -- The amount of status points from 100% that if a plant reaches then the plant prop (SmallProp) will be replaced to BigProp (Set it to -1 to never replace a prop for this location)

FertilizerAddAmount = 10.0, -- The number of fertilizer points that will be added on every cycle
WaterAddAmount = 10.0 -- The number of water points that will be added on every cycle

Adding "classic" drug

  1. The Config.Drugs.joint - joint - is the item name that must be in the database and is the main product
  2. In the zones, there are 2 types: Collect/Process, you can add them as much as you want to, just change the table index, type is specified in the Action
  3. Make sure you have all the items in your databases, maily the one in 1. step, GiveItem and the items from RequiredItems
Config.Drugs.joint = { -- Make sure that the drug name is in lower, otherwise it will not work
Zones = {
Collect = {
Location = vector3(1534.2247,3696.3442,34.5528), -- The location of pickup point
Size = {x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0}, -- Size of the marker
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}, -- Color of the marker
MotionText = "[E] Pickup", -- Text that will be show when coming near in the DrawText3D section (if Draw3DText Enabled)
Action = "Collect", -- Just for collecting leave it
Marker = 22, -- Marker Id
UseInovativeMarkers = false, -- If the help text should look "different", image in the forum
DrawInovativeMarkersRadius = 5.0 -- The distance a player can see the marker from
Process = {
Location = vector3(1534.2247,3696.3442,40.5528), -- The location for pickup points
Size = {x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0}, -- Size of the marker
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}, -- Color of the marker
MotionText = "[E] Process", -- The text name that will be drawn on the screen if Drwa3D Text enabled
Action = "Process", -- For Processing just leave it as it is
Marker = 22, -- The marker ID
UseInovativeMarkers = false, -- If the help text should look "different", image in the forum
DrawInovativeMarkersRadius = 5.0 -- The distance a player can see the marker from

Actions = {
Collect = {
MinCops = 1, -- The minimal count of cops that must be online to player can be able to collect a item
RequiredItems = { -- Bellow will be listed items a player will need for Collecting
{itemName = "water", count = 1, removeItem = false} -- itemName is the name from database, removeItem will remove the item from player inventory after fininished collecting
GiveItem = "weed", -- The item a player should get when he is done
GiveItemCount = 1, -- The count of a item a player should get when he is done
Animations = { -- Animation properties are listed bellow
AnimDict = "mini@repair", -- The animation dictionary for Collecting animation
AnimName = "fixing_a_ped", -- The animation name for Collectiong anitamtion
Duration = 4000, -- Set to 0 to disable animations
blendInSpeed = 8.0,
blendOutSpeed = 8.0,
AnimFlag = 1,
MythicProggbarLabel = "Harvesting Drug" -- The label which will be shown in the mythic progres bar
Process = {
MinCops = 1, -- Minimal cops from processing
RequiredItems = { -- Bellow you can list items a player will need for a processing
{itemName = "ocb", count = 1, removeItem = true} -- itemName is a name of the item in database and the removeItem is if a player should get remove this item
GiveItem = "joint", -- The item a player should get
GiveItemCount = 1, -- The amount of the item a player should get after finishing Proccesing
Animations = { -- Bellow there will be listed animations
AnimDict = "mini@repair", -- Animation Dictionary for processing
AnimName = "fixing_a_ped", -- Animation name from processing
Duration = 4000, -- Set to 0 to disable animations
blendInSpeed = 8.0,
blendOutSpeed = 8.0,
AnimFlag = 1,
MythicProggbarLabel = "Processing Drug" -- The label which should be displayed when processing
Effects = { -- Effects that current "drugs" should give
GiveHP = 1.0, -- Set to 0.0 to give no additinal HP
GiveArmour = 50.0, -- Set to 0.0 to not give armour
SetInfiniteStamina = true, -- If a player should get unlimited stamina when using current drug
SpeedMultiplier = 2.0, -- The speed multiplier that should be given to player when using this drug
OnUseScenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING_POT", -- The screnario played after using a item (the scenarios can be found there:
MoveClipset = "MOVE_M@DRUNK@VERYDRUNK", -- The MoveClipset that will be aplied to player after using a item
MotionBlur = true, -- If a player should get a MotionBlur
SetPedDrunk = true, -- If a player should be set as a drunk
ClearTimeCycleModifier = true, -- IF the TimeCycleModifier should be reseted after the ResetAfter timeout is after
TimeCycleModifier = "spectator5", -- The TimeCycleModifier that will be used
ResetAfter = 5 -- Time in SECONDS when the stats should be reset

RemoveAfterUse = true -- Should be the drug removed on its use?

Making drug sellable to NPC

With this part you will be able to type: /sellItem [itemName] [itemCount] and sell drugs to NPC. You can add as many drugs as you want to using the method bellow.

  1. Duplicate the part bellow
  2. Change the index, it is the name of the sold item (now it is marijuana )
  3. Change all the properties of the item
    marijuana = {
GiveBlack = true, -- If true, player will get "black_money" account
MinimalGiveMoney = 200, -- The minimal amount of money a player will receive after selling drugs
MaximalGiveMoney = 500, -- The maximal amount of money a player will receive after selling drugs
SellFromPoint = vector3(62.8466,-638.6946,44.2151), -- The center sell points where the distance will be counted from
Radius = 500.0, -- THe radiuse from a SellFromPoint player can sell items
RejectChance = 5, -- The chance that the ped will reject offer (100/RejectChance is the chance) (now it is 20%)
MinItemSell = 2, -- The minimal item count that will be removed from the player (if player does not have anough item, he will be charged 1 item)
MaxItemSell = 4, -- The maximal item count that a player can get removed (same as above)
ShouldCallPoliceAfterRejecting = true, -- If true then a police jobs will be called after rejecting
CallPoliceAfterRejectingChange = 3, -- The chance that a police jobs will be alterted after rejecting offer (100/CallPoliceAfterRejectingChange) (now it is 33%)
ShouldKillInTheseAreasAfterRejecting = true, -- If true than if a player is in these areas (areas where are ussualy no people) will be killed if he does not have a friend to sell with
-- (the ped will take out a gun and Stealth Kill the player (If the palyer is not stronger :D))
-- To not be killed in these areas there must an other player at maximal distance of 3 gta units away
KillAreas = {
[1] = { -- First area
Location = vector3(-45.442,-720.8846,44.2506), -- Location
Radius = 5.0 -- Radius
[2] = {
Location = vector3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0),
Radius = 4.0
-- Below you can add as much as you want but make sure it is a sequenced table otherwise it will broke
CanSellToAllPeds = true, -- If true then a player can sell items to all types of peds
PedPlayerCanSellTo = { -- If config above then a player can sell only to these types of peds
[GetHashKey("a_f_m_fatbla_01")] = true,
[GetHashKey("a_f_m_fatwhite_01")] = true,
-- Below you can add as much ped types as you want, but make sure it is a hash
SellAnimation = {
AnimDict = "mp_common", -- Animation directory for current animation
AnimName = "givetake1_a", -- The animatino name
Duration = 3000, -- Set to 0 to disable animations
blendInSpeed = 8.0,
blendOutSpeed = 8.0,
AnimFlag = 1,
MythicProggbarLabel = "Selling drug" -- The label which will be show in the progress bar

Making drug sellable to "friends"

WIth this part you will be able to go to the phone cabin, choose how many drugs you wanna sell, then a friend will come for you and you will sell the drug for you -> the friend is NPC. You can add as much locations as you want to using the method bellow.

  1. Add phone cabin to the config by duplicating the part bellow
  2. Have all the drugs in the database
  3. Set all the properties to your likings

Making drug sellable by delivering

With this part you will be able to sell drugs using car and delivering drugs (items) to check points. You can add as much locations as you want to using the method bellow.

  1. Duplicate the part bellow
  2. Add as many delivery locations as you want to
  3. Configure all the properties as you want to
  4. Make sure all the items are in the database
Locations = {
Pos = vector3(1293.5991,1384.7307,101.4545), -- First delivery location
used = false, -- Do not touch this, you do not need to :)
Min = 10, -- The minimal amount in math.random a player will deliver
Max = 20 -- The maximal amount in math.random a player will deliver
Pos = vector3(1201.006,1862.9187,77.0745), -- Second delivery location
used = false, -- Do not touch this, you do not need to :)
Min = 10, -- The minimal amount in math.random a player will deliver
Max = 20 -- The maximal amount in math.random a player will deliver
Pos = vector3(1110.6906,2098.6851,53.1546), -- Third delivery location
used = false, -- Do not touch this, you do not need to :)
Min = 10, -- The minimal amount in math.random a player will deliver
Max = 20 -- The maximal amount in math.random a player will deliver
Items = {'joint', 'water'}, -- The items allowed to be sold here
MaxSellCount = {50, 15}, -- Max item sold count for each item (first item must be first count here)
MinSellPrices = {10, 20}, -- Min price for currectly sold item (first item must be first number here)
MaxSellPrices = {15, 20}, -- Max price for each item (first item must be first number here)
CarSpawnLoc = vector3(1367.5193,1138.7201,113.759), -- The spawn and return location of the vehicle
CarSpawnHeading = 69.0, -- The heading of the spawned car
CarProps = { -- Bellow you can set the vehicle properties which will be aplied to the vehicle
plate = 'BURRITO',
color1 = 27
CarModel = "burrito", -- Model name of the car
PayForTruck = 100, -- The money a player will need to pay on the start (maybye for the car)
ReturnTruck = 100, -- The money a player will receive when he returns the vehicle
GiveBlack = true, -- If a player should get black money on delivery
-- Start location
MinCops = 1, -- Needed cops for start of the mission
StartLocation = vector3(1390.1125,1132.0562,114.3345), -- The location you will see the marker
-- Markers
Size = {x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0}, -- Size of the marker
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}, -- Color of the marker
MotionText = "[E] Call", -- The label which will be shown on the Draw3DText
Marker = 22, -- The marker ID
UseInovativeMarkers = true, -- If the help text should look "different", image in the forum
DrawInovativeMarkersRadius = 5.0, -- The distance a player can see the marker from

Adding blackshops

Again you can add as many blackshops as you want to. Here you will be able

  1. Duplicate the part bellow
  2. Configure the shop items. If it is weapon and you wanna add it as xPlayer.addWeapon , make sure you set weapon = true
  3. Make sure all the items are in the database.
Location = vector3(1390.0927,1162.0493,114.3345),
-- Markers
Size = {x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0}, -- Size of the marker
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}, -- Color of the marker
MotionText = "[E] Call", -- The label which will be shown on the Draw3DText
Marker = 22, -- The marker ID
UseInovativeMarkers = true, -- If the help text should look "different", image in the forum
DrawInovativeMarkersRadius = 5.0, -- The distance a player can see the marker from
-- Items
ShopItems = {
{item = 'joint', price = 550, label = 'Joint', weapon = false},
{item = 'weed_seed', price = 50, label = 'Weed Seed', weapon = false},
{item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', price = 5000, label = 'Assault Rifle', weapon = true},
Ammo = 50, -- The number of ammo that the player will get when buying a weapon
PayInBlack = false, -- If enabled, the player will be able to pay only in black, otherwise he will pay using a cash or a bank (automatic, if does not have cash, bank will be used)
Blip = {
Use = true, -- If the shop should have a blip on the map
BlipLabel = "Illegal shop", -- Name of the blips on the map
BlipColour = 40, -- Colour of the blips on the map
BlipSprite = 51, -- Sprite of the blip on the map
BlipDisplay = 4, -- Blip display on the map
BlipScale = 1.0 -- Blip size on the map

Adding simple sell points

This is for selling items just by clicking items in the menu, there is one simple animation, nothing "pog", you can sell items and weapons.

  1. Duplicate the part bellow
  2. Change the item properties, if it is weapon or not (if it is weapon, it is check if xPlayer.hasWeapon, not if xPlayer.getInventoryItem)
  3. Set all the other parts to whatever you want to.
Location = vector3(-1101.5736,4940.8838,218.354),
-- Markers
Size = {x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0}, -- Size of the marker
Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}, -- Color of the marker
MotionText = "[E] Open Selling Menu", -- The label which will be shown on the Draw3DText
Marker = 22, -- The marker ID
UseInovativeMarkers = true, -- If the help text should look "different", image in the forum
DrawInovativeMarkersRadius = 5.0, -- The distance a player can see the marker from
-- Items
SellItems = {
{item = 'joint', price = {min = 10, max = 50}, weapon = false},
{item = 'weed_seed', price = {min = 5, max = 10}, weapon = false},
{item = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', price = {min = 4000, max = 5000}, weapon = true},
PayInBlack = false, -- If enabled, the player will receive money in black money
MythicProggbarLabel = "Selling items", -- The label which will be show in the progress bar
Blip = {
Use = true, -- If the shop should have a blip on the map
BlipLabel = "Selling point of illegal things", -- Name of the blips on the map
BlipColour = 56, -- Colour of the blips on the map
BlipSprite = 521, -- Sprite of the blip on the map
BlipDisplay = 4, -- Blip display on the map
BlipScale = 1.0 -- Blip size on the map


while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) -- Change this event in case you are yousing custom ESX events

while ESX.GetPlayerData().job == nil do

ESX.PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()


function debugMessage(message)

--print('^2[sqz_drugs]^0 '..message) -- Turned off by default
-- Lines used to print debug in case of errors, if you want to, you can remove the print using --print(...)


function showNotification(message)


-- Default GTA es_extended notifications, change it fou want to use if differently


AddEventHandler('sqz_drugs:drugUsedCustom', function(drugName)

-- This event is triggered on every use of drug (registered item (Config.Drugs))
-- drugName is name of the drug, can be used as a index of the Config.DrugsTable
-- You can call here whatever you want to


AddEventHandler('sqz_drugs:drugSoldCustom', function(drugName, count)

-- This event is triggered on every successfull sell of drug (registered item (Config.Drugs))
-- drugName is name of the drug, can be used as a index of the Config.DrugsTable
-- You can call here whatever you want to
-- The count is obviously the count of drug sold


function Draw3DText(x, y, z, text)
SetTextScale(0.35, 0.35)
SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 215)
SetDrawOrigin(x,y,z, 0)
DrawText(0.0, 0.0)
local factor = (string.len(text)) / 370
DrawRect(0.0, 0.0+0.0125, 0.015+ factor, 0.03, 0, 0, 0, 85)

Common errors

  • nil ESX it seems that you have changed events by anticheat so make sure to change them in your config files of the script - attempt to call a nil value (field ‘canCarryItem’) - most likely you are using old version of esx < 1.2. You need to change CanCarryItem function in server/edit.lua to the following
  • attempt to call a nil value (field 'showNotification') - Replace showNotification function for the one provided bellow
function CanCarryItem(playerId, item, count)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId)
local xItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item)
if xItem.limit == -1 or (xItem.count + tonumber(count)) <= xItem.limit then
return true
return false